About Me

Hi, I Am Rali. Your Personal Trainer and Movement Coach

I have been working as Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach since 2012. I have a love for weights training, but my latest interest is to incorporate functional movement, breathing, mobility and strength all in one. I have total respect for what the human body and mind could achieve if we put the work in and look after ourselves. 

I have been taking a variety of courses in the last 18 months which helped me to create my unique model and approach to work with my clients.

I offer a full body approach to fitness and training, with assess and re-test methods to measure your progress. Find solutions that will improve movement, reduce compensations and use principle based training, so that you can get stronger and function better without setbacks. My priority is to help you to achieve your goals in the best possible way and keep you moving forwards. 

I work with people from all age groups and I enjoy the diversity and challenges which every day brings. 


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