
fitness, weight lifting, dumbbells

One to One Coaching

I offer in person and online coaching. Whit my help and knowledge you can achieve your goals quicker and efficiently. I will teach you how to move well, exercise with good technique and intensity and experience full range of motion . You will get a full body assessment, personalised training plans and programming. I will also help you manage nutrition, tackle stress and create good recovery and sleep routine. 

kettlebells, gym, exercise

Small Group Coaching

I offer small group online coaching via Zoom. During these sessions you will experience full body strength and conditioning training, plus mobility and breathing practice. This is perfect opportunity for busy people, who’d like to exercise, but don’t have time to commit to gym to study membership. 

foot, lawn, fingers

1-1 Foot Assessment
& Monthly Case Studies

Feeling grounded is essential for every human body. Your feet are the only contact with the ground when you standing, walking, running. When the foot hits the ground sends a signal to your brain and your brain makes the huge decision is this safe or not for your body. The foot is supposed to absorb shock, load and propel you forward with every step you take. How well can you do that ?

human digestive system, human internal organ, the human body

Full Body Movement Assessment

I offer in person and online full body movement assessment. I will check your body alignment posture and feet pressure. I will also assess your range of motion and strength. Based on the results you will received a personalise training plan and training programme. 

glasses, read, learn

Monthly Group Case Study

I offer monthly case study for movement and fitness professionals or general population gym goers, who are curious to study human movement  through learning, shared experience and collaboration. Full Body Bottom Up approach.

student, typing, keyboard

Personalised Training Plans

I offer Personalised Training Plans. You will get a customised training program based on your goals.

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